1. Pre-check iDevice and AirPlay
Please make sure the following two points before reading this tutorial:
Your iOS devices are not broken.
Your devices are iOS system equipped with AirPlay function.
When you're using PandaControl, you may encounter problems that AirPlay cannot be shown up or doesn't have respond on the Control Center of iPhone or iPad. Now, here are several detailed methods which can help you fix AirPlay problems.
2. Solutions to AirPlay Problems
Check Wi-Fi on your iOS devices and PC
There might be some issues about the Wi-Fi network of your iOS devices or PC if AirPlay doesn't appear on the Control Center when iOS Recorder has been launched. Note that iOS device and PC must be connected to the same network. If it doesn't work, you need to restart your Wi-Fi to have a shot.
Please note that corporate networks may often block many port numbers from communicating across networks. Therefore, you are required to let your technician allow TCP ports 36666, 36667, 6000 and 6001 to be open for connection. Plus, PandaControl won't likely work across subnets or VLANs unless special steps have been taken.
Check Firewall on Computer
AirPlay problems can be also caused by Windows Firewall's blocking some functions of PandaControl. If so, you need to raise the blockade manually. Proceed as follows:
On your PC, open "Control Panel" > "System and Security" > "Windows Firewall" > "Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall", then you can find PandaControl on "Allowed apps and features". Tick the "Private" and "Public" boxes to allow this app to communicate through Windows Firewall.
For more detailed guide on how to allow/edit the list of Allowed Apps in Windows Firewall, you can refer to this article.
Panda Control is free trial for a limited time now, If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to click "feedback" in the Panda Control or send it to: panda.control.official@gmail.com
If you encounter any problems or bugs, you can right click the Panda Control icon in the Task bar, Select "Error log" to generate an log, then send the question with the log file to: panda.control.official@gmail.com